Transylvanian Furniture Cluster will support the innovating SMEs in its ecosystem to present qualified proposals consistent with the project objectives, to participate in activities related to the dissemination and sustainability of the Digital Innovation Centre.


Identification, mobilization and matching 64 potential innovating experiments related to the transfer of know-how.

Dissemination and marketing activities.

Extension of the RAMP (Robotics Automation Marketplace) platform, by promotion, better awareness and recognition by the SMEs, suppliers of technologies, artists and other representatives of the innovation centre.

Coordination of activities and project management.


Mobilization of 500 producers, 320 suppliers of technology, 100 artists (at the level of the 28 international partners.)

Attracting investors.

Experimenting the transfer of know-how with the involvement of UE-13.

4,500 new jobs created at the level of the entire international project.

Through this project, TFC, together with its partners, will develop a B2B Marketplace at European level – RAMP Marketplace.


A sustainable market for the SMEs supplying innovative products.

Updating or changing the business model for the participating SMEs.

Obtaining new products or creating new brands.

Creation, under the RAMP platform, of a meeting place between the demand of the producers and the solutions of the automation and robot solutions, as well as with the artists focused on industrial design.


Attracting a significant number of new IT users in production.

Discovering new personalized manners through which the SMEs may save raw materials, energy, wastes or logistic resources.

A sustainable network of digital innovation hubs, providing for European added value.

IMPACT (estimated)

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