The invention refers to a set of chair inclination mechanism and to the particular methods, without limitation, to provide the user with the possibility to have a static-dynamic sitting position. The switch from the static to the dynamic sitting is controlled through a device capable of slowing the chair movement or of completely stopping the chair in a fixed position, through a braking system. The static-dynamic chair can be programmed intelligently by the user, depending on the occupational health and safety requirements, using the display equipment, sensor or a mix between the two, as well as the energy required to activate the brake and the control system. An electric generator installed on one or several axes of the driving mechanism and a battery for energy storage will be included.
This invention refers to an ergonomic set for the chair seat and to a method to provide support for various postures the user may adopt when sitting, irrespective of the constitution of the body. The system has several flexible panels for the backrest and for the seat, which can ensure continuous and complete support of the body while sitting, considering that the user has to perform various tasks during a prolonged sitting period. The components of the set can be adjusted independently. By means of these mobile panels, the user can maintain a constant and stable posture.
A system incorporate in the chair to guide the user into maintaining a correct position while sitting in the chair having the seat and the backrest equipped with one or several pressure and distance sensors, a microcontroller for data collection from one or several pressure and distance sensors which are connected through a software application communicating with the sensors, analyzing the data, sending these data to a database and analyzing and displaying the data to the user.
The system also provides the possibility to send the data approved by the user to the chair producers as to facilitate the development of the future products or to the health organizations to help establishing an accurate diagnostic in the case of user back pain.
Chair with incorporated system equipped with sensors in the seat and in the backrest to detect an incorrect posture and to guide the user into maintaining a correct position while sitting in the chair. There are two sensors located at the level of the shoulders, two sensors in the lumbar area and two sensors in the seat of the chair. The system includes a microcontroller with processing capabilities and Internet access, capable of collecting data in real time from each of the six sensors and to determine patterns for each user. The system also includes a software application divided into incorporate application and web application. The incorporated application is a component communicating with the integrated sensors, analyzing the data and then sending them to a database, while the web application is responsible for the analysis of the data and for displaying them to the user in a suggestive manner.