01 September 2016
31 August 2022

– Laboratory premises made available by the partners: INCDTIM (functional coatings) and Napochim (materials);
– Budget laboratory equipment + laboratory staff;
– Technical solutions proposed in the project through the analysis of the members’ needs.


– Development of laboratories (functional coatings and materials);
– Recruitment of staff for the laboratories (RDI activity coordinators and technical staff);
– Procurement of equipment in line with the technical solutions, adapted to the members’ requirements.


– Acceptance of the laboratory premises (functional coatings and materials);
– Signing labour and staff training contracts (RDI activity coordinators and technical staff);
– Procurement processes for equipment, delivery and commissioning;
– Laboratory organization and functioning regulations;


– Functional laboratories for the proposed thematic: functional coatings and materials;
– Development of new specific services (support for testing and developing new products);
– Increasing number of members and partners interested in the activity and services of the laboratories.


– Shortening the period to identify the optimal paint recipes applied on various pieces of furniture;
– Improvement of the properties of the materials used in the furniture industry (mainly plastic components and products).

IMPACT (estimated)

-Offices made available by the partners: Hygia Consult, Salice Comprod, 4Brands and Napochim;
-Budget operational and seconded staff, as well as for other expenses required for the operational activities;
Annual activity plan with allocated resources: financial, human, material and time, approved by the GSM.


– Registration of the offices as branches of the cluster and their development to start the activities;
– Cluster operation activities: animation, promotion, programs and events organization, supply of specialized services, as well support for innovation and development of new products;
– Periodic monitoring of the progress against the approved Annual Plan.


– Acceptance of the offices and obtaining the excerpt from the Cluj Court, proof of record of the branches;
– Signing labour and staff training contracts;
– Procurement processes for outsourced goods and services;
– Periodic update of the activities monitoring document, based on the management meetings.


– Organization of conferences, workshops, seminars, round tables, working visits, matchmaking sessions, training programmes, as well as supply of dedicated services: common negotiations, business intermediations, support for innovation and development of new solutions and products.


– Strengthening the notoriety and attractiveness of the cluster, at regional and national level, by attracting new members, as well as national and international partners;
– Involvement of a significant number of members in the cluster activities and actions, generating new competences for the employees of the members and penetration of new market.

IMPACT (estimated)

– Dedicated staff and allocated budget for internationalization activities;
– Budget for travel, accommodation and other internationalization needs;
– Multi-annual internationalization plan with allocated resources: financial, human, material and time, approved by the GSM.


– Identification of international partners and development of institutional partners with representatives of Romania in other countries;
– Workshops and consultations with the members for the implementation of the Internationalization Plan;
– Support in requesting grants for internationalization.


– Cooperation agreements between the cluster and various international partners;
– Partnership agreements between the cluster and the members interested in internationalization activities;
– Contracts for supply of support services for internationalization;
– Grant agreements for internationalization expenses.


– Participation to international events and organization/hosting of economic missions, as well as common participation to fairs;
– Participation to common commercial and RDI specific projects with international partners.


– Penetration by the cluster of new markets in Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as supporting the members for the purpose of entering in and/or developing relations specific to their activity in various target markets (RDI projects, export/import and transfer of know-how).

IMPACT (estimated)

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.

For detailed information on the other programs co-financed by the European Union we invite you to visit the official website of the Ministry of European Investments and Projects

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