EXCELIVING project is focusing on different habitat value chains from a cross-sectorial dimensions: construction building materials, furniture and lighting, home automation, welfare, technology, etc. The aim of the project is to advance towards healthy, age friendly and sustainable environments.
EXCELIVING promotes a holistic dimension of the living environments, focusing on:
Living environments are human-made spaces where people live, spend the night, eat, work, study, enjoy culture and entertainment, make purchases…etc. in European countries people spend more than 90% of their time inside buildings.
The current global trends characterised, among others, by the demographical change, the pandemic health crisis due to the Covid-19 and the increase of awareness of sustainability and ecological principles, have revealed the close connection among living environments and health as living environments can strengthen or reduce the intellectual and physical comfort conditions.
Project funded by the European Commission under COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03 – European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities.
Partners: Transylvanian Furniture Cluster – Romania, Habitat Cluster Barcelona- Spain, Smartech Cluster–Spain, Cluster Habitat Sustentável– Portugal, Wellfare Tech– Denmark
Update of the individual clusters strategy (WP2, task 2.2.)
Strategy for the cluster partnership (WP2, task 2.3.)
Organisation of the exchange visits (WP5, task 5.4): the visits will be organised on specific topics, such as energy efficiency, digitalisation, sustainability and circular economy in the production of materials and building spaces, healthy spaces, etc.
Leader of WP6: definition of a long-term cooperation and sustainability plan (task 6.1) & elaboration of a guideline of lessons learned and reco-mmendations for clusters and SMEs (task 6.2.)
Definition of the communication plan (WP7, task A7.1)
Work package 1: Project management and coordination
Work package 2: Development of a comprehensive strategic plan for building a strong and a long-term partnership
Work package 3: Capacity building programme to strengthen cluster management and improve skills
Work package 4: Design and delivery new portfolio add-value services to SMEs
Work package 5: ClusterXchange mobility scheme programme
Work Package 6. Lessons learning, sustainability and long-term cooperation
Work Package 7: Communication, dissemination and outreach activities
ClusterXchange mobility scheme programme – performance indicators:
Public dissemination for training e-book associated to WP3 for Capacity building programme to strengthen cluster management and improve skills
Public dissemination for e-book of the training programme addressed to SMEs, associated with WP4, which consist in creation of a portfolio of add-value services to SMEs
Public dissemination for guideline of lessons learned, associated to WP6
Organization of a final event to disseminated the projects’ results.
Adapt the individually clusters’ strategies to align them to the Common Partnership Strategy and its road map to create a strong and a long-term colla-boration, leading clusters towards cluster excellence
Promote a multi-stakeholder’s perspective and cross-sectorial approach
Strengthen networking among consortium and their members
Promote the exchanges of best practices, know-how and lessons learned
Contribute to rise-awareness on the clusters activities and COSME
Excellence programme
Creating a favorable ecosystem within the Habitat value chains to promote new partnerships, innovative projects, transfer of innovations and to facilitate the identification and creation of new business and investment opportunities for the sector (furniture, textiles, decoration)