Partener StartUp

Accessing non-reimbursable funds aiming at supporting start-up entrepreneurs through courses, training, mentorship and grants.

Promoting the project among the target group.

Mentors for the practical activities and experts monitoring the evolution of the 49 entrepreneurs financed under the project with up to 36,000 euro to set up businesses.

Communication and dissemination of the project results, by administering the related Facebook page.


Organizarea de cursuri de antreprenoriat pentru 440 de persoane din regiunea Nord-Vest a țării.

Selecția prin concurs a celor 49 de antreprenori care să primească finanțare.

Organization of entrepreneurship courses for 440 persons in the North-West region of the country.

Selection, based on a competition, of the 49 entrepreneurs to receive funds.

Organization of the Entrepreneurship Gala, where the best 3 business ideas in the field of IT, Bio-economy, Production were awarded prizes. 9 prizes were given: 9,000 lei for the 1st place, 4,500 lei for the 2nd place, 2,000 lei for the 3rd place.

Organization of mentorship seminars for the 49 entrepreneurs supported under the project and providing consultancy for 1 year.

Monitoring the progress and efficiency of the investments made by the entrepreneurs.


Supporting 49 emergent businesses, since establishment, during the implementation and sustainability period.

Ensuring a safety net – through consultancy, mentorship, monitoring services which operated also in the context created by the COVID-19 crisis.

On 30 June 2020, out of the 25 new production businesses monitored by the TFC, 24 were active and only 1 had suspended operations. Most companies (20) were already in the sustainability period, as per the initial plan.

Creation of promotional materials dedicated to promote emergent businesses: photo sessions, event presentation videos.


Extension of the training and competence formation programme among the youth by creating an entrepreneurial education project, at the end of which the best attendants become entrepreneurs proper and start their own business.

The three examples of success presented as a model at the beginning of the project generated tens of other functional businesses.


Strengthening the organizational and administrative capacity of the cluster by the involvement in such a project for the first time.

Stimulating the dynamics of the regional business environment and of the entrepreneurial spirit.

IMPACT (estimated)

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