Coordinating the activities specific to drafting the research report (application of questionnaires among the manufacturing companies, workshops, interpretation of the collected data, etc.)

Drafting reports with the competences and abilities expected in the economic sector from the future furniture designers.

Maintaining the relation with the participants in the 4 countries where the project is implemented. Packing and sending information on the evolution of the project.


Organization of a workshop with the partners in the 4 countries involved in the project (Romania, Italy, Spain and Poland) and conceiving a questionnaire from where the information required for the creation of a furniture design master programme can be extracted.

Application of the questionnaire to at least 20 SMEs in the country to learn of the needs and desires of the companies in the sector against the future employees specialized in furniture design.

Ensuring the accuracy and quality of the information collected, dissemination and use of the final results of the project: curricula for furniture design master.


Development of a master programme for the future furniture designers, which is to include acquiring and developing all types of competences required by the SMEs in the sector: creative, soft, digital, ecologic, etc.

Creation of a cooperation platform for companies, universities and technological centres.


Involvement of the companies in concretely defining the competences of the future furniture designers, for the new master curriculum.

Maintaining continuous dialogue between the academic and the business environments, with benefits for both parties, as well as for the youth willing to pursue a career in furniture design.


Creation of new jobs, consistent with the evolution of the industry.

Synchronization of professional training with the realities in the labour market.

Access of the companies to qualified personnel, having the competences specific to the industry, who may become involved in complex innovation processes.

The new competences introduced in the business environment will provide tangible results.

IMPACT (estimated)

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