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3 scenarios were developed under this project:
Diseminare și atragere de participanți din grupul țintă pentru Culturepreneurs 2020.
Modulul design de produs din cadrul Culturepreneurs, susținut de profesorul universitar Levente Denes, manager Cercetare-Dezvoltare-Inovare în cadrul CMT.
Dissemination and attraction of participants in the target group for Culturepreneurs 2020.
The product design module within Culturepreneurs, held by university professor Levente Denes, Reaserh-Development-Innovation manager of TFC.
Dissemination and attraction of participants in the target group for Work 4.0.
Expertise in public procurement and development of research laboratories, with a focus on the work rooms required for the Work 4.0 scenario.
Facilitating the connection between the employees in the industries willing to develop new competences – managers seeing a potential in the automation of operations and in the creative, IT environment that can provide viable solutions.
Enrolment of participants among the companies member of TFC to the Cultureprenurs programme.
Conceiving a curriculum for the product design module, which will be implemented in the 2nd stage of the Culturepreneurs programme, in 2021.
Enrolment of 10 participants among the production companies, willing to learn how to implement automation processes during the Work 4.0 programme.
Obtaining formal support from the management of the companies to try apply the automation solutions identified and tested under the project.
Participants enrolled to attend all the modules of the programme.
At least 1 participant enrolled by TFC to receive a prize at the end.
Testing the automation solutions in laboratory conditions, matching the results to the expectations of the company the employee comes from.
Inclusion of the automation processes within the production process of the companies.
By attending the Product Design / Custom Design module, the participants will acquire the abilities required to make creative products and implement them as a functional solution.
Lower risk of job loss through automation, by professional reconversion, as for the employees to become capable of creating themselves production operations automation solutions.
Stimulating the appearance of created, innovative products, correlated to the current needs and desires of the customers.
Lower reluctance to automation among the employees and the managers in the production companies.
Contribution to a better understanding of the automation processes and of the benefits they bring.